Graduate Students
Pass/fail grades are not permitted for credit-bearing courses at the graduate level. Exceptions to this rule are thesis extension (699) and 900-level doctoral courses.
Please refer to the Graduate Policy Manual for the Pass/Fail Grades policy.
Undergraduate Students
- You can access it by visiting Self-Service. Under the Student Tab, Click on Student Records, the Course pass/fail request form will be displayed under the options there.
- Please follow the Instructions at the top of the form. ONLY choose the course that you wish to convert the grade mode to PASS/FAIL option. There is no action required on courses you do not wish to change.
- For a class you would like as Pass/fail, you must also select whether the course chosen as pass/fail grade mode fulfills a general education requirement and/or fulfills a major/minor requirement
A list of your current registered courses will display. There is no need to make any changes to courses you do not wish to change to Pass/Fail grade option.
- Please choose pass/fail option for the course you wish to have this option for. Also select checkbox if the courses:
- Fulfills General Education Requirements.
- Fulfills Major/Minor Requirements.
- Click on SUBMIT. A confirmation of the pass/fail request will show as follow:
5-10 business days for the grade mode change request to take place.
You can check the status of your course grade mode by clicking and following the same steps above. Current Grade Mode- “Pass/Fail” should display for the course you have requested as a pass/fail option.
Under the Student Tab, Click on Student Records, Course pass/fail request form- under Current Grade Mode the option “Pass/Fail” should display for the one you have requested as a pass/fail option and has been processed.